The Newest of Our Roll

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Arizona State members holding their charter with International President Jeremy Davis, Executive Director Patrick McGovern, and Director of Expansion and Recruitment Jerod Miles. 

Arizona State members holding their charter with International President Jeremy Davis, Executive Director Patrick McGovern, and Director of Expansion and Recruitment Jerod Miles. 

Arizona State Receives their charter!

On Friday, November 3, 2017, several members of the International Council, Directors of the Acacia Fraternity Foundation, and Headquarters Staff traveled to Tempe, Arizona where we presented the 40 undergraduate brothers of the Arizona State Colony with their Charter! The Chartering celebration had over 170 individuals in attendance, representing 13 different chapters of Acacia (including 11 undergraduates from our Oregon State Acacia Chapter who drove 20+ hours to attend). 

International President Jeremy Davis, Iowa State ‘00, said: “It was truly an awesome experience to see the excitement in the ASU undergraduates when they were presented with their Charter!”  This event exemplified that the brotherhood is a family as many parents of the undergraduate brothers attended. This allowed the parents, as well as the undergraduate brothers, to better understand the ‘global’ nature of our Acacia brotherhood! Truly, Acacia at Arizona State has created a home away from home for its members.

The ASU Chartering celebration’s keynote speaker was Past Acacia National President Brother John Hoffner, Purdue '66. Brother Hoffner delivered a strong message to the ASU Acacia undergraduate brothers and reminded them that their new Charter didn’t give them

Past National President John Hoffner, Purdue ‘66 and International President Jeremy Davis, Iowa State ‘00

Past National President John Hoffner, Purdue ‘66 and International President Jeremy Davis, Iowa State ‘00

an excuse to ‘rest on their laurels’ and to keep working hard for the betterment of Acacia. It’s a message all Acacians need to be reminded of from time to time! 

This charter is much deserved after multiple semesters of campus involvement, philanthropy, and successful recruitment. The Arizona State Chapter exemplifies everything that it means to be a part of Acacia and we look forward to what they will continue to accomplish.

Congratulations Arizona State and welcome to the rolls of Acacia Fraternity!