Acacia Fraternity Blog Re-Launch & Chapter eNewsletters

Ok, we will admit it -  this blog has not been very active for quite some time.  Well, that's all about to change...

In an effort to assist our undergraduate chapters in communicating more thoroughly and more often with chapter alumni, Acacia Headquarters has begun working with individual chapters to create and publish eNewsletters, which are emailed out to alumni, as opposed to sent via "snail mail".  The reason for this is that the publishing process to create and mail a timely print newsletter makes it almost impossible to publish relevant news.  In other words, the news reported in newsletters is usually outdated, and not a reflection of the current state of affairs at the chapter.

Our strategy has been to offer the services of Acacia Headquarters to edit news articles, publish them in our Constant Contact account (e-marketing website), and email the newsletter out to any and all alumni from a particular chapter for whom we have a working email address saved in our Acacia database.

The new strategy is to continue to assist our chapters in publishing news stories, and to continue with the email notifications, but the email notifications will now contain links to the news stories which will be posted, here, at the Acacia Fraternity Blog.

This will enable us to publish an unlimited amount of news stories, which you can sort through by way of the News Archive button on the right-hand side of the page, or by the Labels button, also on the right-hand side of the page.  These news stories will be more timely and relevant than anything published in a print newsletter.

This means that our only limitation will be that some alumni may not have internet access at their home or work, or may have some restrictions on what they may access at work.  We are aware of that limitation, therefore, and we will still encourage chapters to publish print versions of the newsletter on an annual or semi-annual basis, and to do their best to get a print newsletter to anyone out there that may want one.

So, you will start to see much more activity on this blog site very soon... standby!